Saturday, June 6, 2009


1 week of the holidays.
much has happened.

Angels and Demons was a pretty nice movie. Compared to the sequel The Da Vinci Code, which was catastrophical, this was more on action/storyline.
They had srsly changed a LOT of the storyline.. based on the book.
but i enjoyyed it.

btw, i'm currently in sabah now..
wud only be coming back tmrw.
it has been quite eventful so far, not to mention experiencing a life n death situation.
we were like going island hopping.. and we arrived at this Manukan Island.
They had parasailing there, so i said why not?
Unfortunately, while in mid air the boat pulling us ran out of fuel.
so me and my aunt dropped 40 feet into the South China sea!!
It was rather horrifying as i still have glimpses of the trauma.
luckily those bodyguards on-board swam to us and brought us back.

I was only worried if the huge parachute wouldn't sink in the water and pull us in!
But overall, i'm still alive =)

apart frm that, everything's been okay..
just the ever-consuming parasitic emotion, *Boredom* pops in from time to time.


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